Monday, May 6, 2019

Rensselaer County Welfare Sweep

  Arrested or wanted are 26 people who allegedly claimed benefits totalling $56, 700. That amounts to an average of $2,180.76.
   Of course, all theft, of money or services, of great amounts or small, is wrong.  But isn't it an over-reaction to publicize the wrongdoing of individuals for lesser crimes, to exploit their crimes for political reasons, when there are so many un-charged individuals who regularly mis-direct "our money" by over-reporting contributions and/ or under-reporting income, in under the table payments.
The poorest are least able to mount a credible defense when and if they are caught. I would hazard a guess that very few of  those stone-throwers who comment have clean hands themselves.
 P.S. It turns out that a significant portion of the amount stolen was for medical services.  Let'em pay the price.

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