Monday, October 1, 2012


  I've scheduled  next week as the time to clean out my closet.  I plan to start by counting the number of garments that are there in the closet's narrow recesses.  My guess is that there are about 100.  The man who built our house probably owned 2 pairs of pants, and 3 or 4 shirts, so closet space was not much of a consideration for him.  The closet is not only small, but also narrow, so anything hung on a wider hanger, like one of wood or heavy plastic, or with padding,  hangs at an angle, and since the doors are the awful double  wooden sliding type, the hangers are constantly obstructing the opening and closing of the door. The clothes don't like it either: that's why I don't put anything in there that  I plan to wear and don't want to be a wrinkled mess. The closet is totally unsuitable for coats or winterwear, so they have never been an issue there.   Moreover, both ends of the little closet are blind deadends;  you can't see what's stuffed in them.  Advice column organizers say to get rid of anything you haven't worn in a year.  I have a suspicion I may find maternity clothes in the far reaches of that  closet, as well as a few peasant dresses and mini dresses from days gone by.  In the last year,  I've worn probably only  half a dozen things from inside the closet.
  Now that I'm not doing much of anything else, my strategy is to take every item out of the closet, and make those 3 designated piles: one to keep, one to throw away, one to donate (or maybe eBay's vintage listing!)    But as I take the clothes from the closet, the only place to put them is on the bed.  (I live in a miniature house.)  If I do that, I'm afraid I'll never see the bed again.  I feel stymied.    (But hopeful)

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