Saturday, August 28, 2021

For my records

 Am writing just so I can keep track of the "process."  

 I have routine annual screenings for ongoing surveillance.

 At 7-30-2020 office visit, provider issued a script for the next year's (2021)  screening, with follow up office visit on August 4, 2021. 

   I know I have to wait at least a year from previous screening, which was May 28, 2020.  So, any time after  May 28, 2021. 

  An unexpected issue arose, and I had a diagnostic ultrasound on August 3, 2020, with welcome results of no concerns. Though I have always before gone to St. Peter's in Albany, for this procedure I went to The Troy location. I was assured that all previous records are in the new system.  

 The doctor had sent me the script so I could make my own appointment, at location I  chose. 

 So, I waited past May 28 and called Troy office to make my appointment. 

  I was told I had to wait until after the date of my diagnostic US, or else it would not be covered by insurance. (I knew this wasn't true as annual screenings are fully covered; the US was a different matter. But I said nothing: I'm not in charge.)

  I waited until after the US date of August 3, and called again. Meantime, I'd cancelled my August 4 office visit at provider's office. Nothing to follow up on as yet.

  I called again to schedule and was told they cannot schedule until they have the script. She provided the fax number. I tried to fax, over the next several days, to no avail. The scheduler said I was the only one whose fax didn't come through, but she would request it from my provider's office and would call me to let me know when  it was received. That call never came, so I called provider's office to ask if they'd been able to send fax.  Rep there said she'd  send the script, even checking to say it was in the queue. After waiting a few days, I called Troy office again. They had not yet received it. Their fax was evidently not received either. I took cold comfort in knowing I was not the only failure.

I called the provider's office and she said they would refax the old (by now) script. And she told me the only approved way was by fax, no other method.

 Upon receipt, the Troy office said the script had expired on July 31,  a year from the date it was written. Remember, I'd been told I had to wait until a year after the August 3 US date.

 I finally brought the newly sent script in to the Troy office; they had assured me what I'd been told about fax-only was incorrect. All would seem to be in order, but  when I handed  my script to the scheduler, she uttered the devastating news---the CODE was wrong. 

So, to make a long story mercifully less long, I called my provider's office, delivered the latest news: The  Horror!  Eventually, provider's office sent a new, corrected script to the Troy office; 

I was able to schedule my appointment, and all ended happily.  

Note: I have not re-scheduled my F.U. visit, but I don't think he will mind. He will have received the results, and we'll just wait til next year, if that's to be.


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