Thursday, September 26, 2013

Reading the Newspaper

     I don't much care what format the newspaper is in.  I just like to be able to understand what I read.  I know certain terms have crept into the language, e.g. apps, selfie, and I've been able to assimilate them with no problem.  However, when I'm reading a rather formally written editorial, and I'm at a loss for meaning of content, I become uncomfortable:  Could it be me?   In today's paper, a  Viewpoint piece about the Pope says that he "doesn't sprinkle rose petals and platitudes,"  but "drops daisy cutters of truth."  I get the metaphor about the roses, but am stumped by whatever a daisy cutter is. Could it be a time-worn term that I've missed out on somehow?  A new expression?  A misprint?  Maybe I didn't read the entire article carefully enough.  I'll have to go back and see.  Oh, the horror of self doubt.

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