Sunday, August 19, 2012

Family Bibles

I'm drawing somewhat closer to the disposition of those things I was entrusted with, but there are certain items which defy being disposed of.  At present, on my kitchen table  are two family Bibles, of different families.  Granted, Bibles are not the definitive record of family life, a status they once held, but still they were presented as gifts to family  by other members of the family, and so retain  both a historic and religious mystique.  I have no desire  to keep the memories and memorabilia which were meant for others, but what do I do with them?  I do not want to toss them in the trash, or the recycling bin.  One of them has the dates of weddings and births, and First Confessions, and Communions.  The gifter and the giftees are now deceased, but there are descendants who may, or may not, be interested in such ephemera.  I don't know.  The other Bible has one of the gifters still alive, as far as I know, but I have no knowledge of her whereabouts, or whether she would be receptive to the reawakening of such a voice from the past.  Since the Bibles had been  presented on joyous occasions, the beginning of a union, the births of children and the celebratory events of their lives, I tend to think  that after all these years and the inevitable sorrows that transpire over those years, the re-emergence  of these Bibles can only heighten the heartbreak of what has been lost.  So in the meantime, my kitchen table bears the weight of all the wishes and prayers that didn't come true, and of all the joys that blossomed and then died, as  flowers are destined to do. 

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