Thursday, July 19, 2012


Most people don't know about this, reads the magazine article, but there is a dangerous new practice among teens called self-embedding. The disturbed teenager opens a wound in a  body part, say their arm, and then places foreign objects in it, such as paper clips, staples, crayons, or pieces of plastic.  The danger is from the body part becoming the site of infection. The article states the practice is rare, and while it doesn't cite the number of cases, the article is accompanied by pictures of staples, bent wires, and "even" crayons, which may or may not be actual pictures of items removed from actual wounds.   I read this article in a medical magazine (in a doctor's office), and can only conclude that publicizing this "new psychiatric disorder" will increase the number of  instances, and can further conclude that the medical community is working on developing a drug to treat the disorder.  What you don't know about you can't suffer from, but once informed and diagnosed, we have a pill for that.

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