Wednesday, July 25, 2012

AGT Musings

All of the semifinalists on tonight's show were men; I guess the girls don't get the votes. I read the rumor that Sharon Osborne is leaving the show, and I wonder if it's related to her seemingly premature and spontaneous voicing of the judge's wild card selection, the male cloggers.  It doesn't seem she would constitute the voice of the panel, but who knows---she just appeared to blurt it out, though.  I note that the 2 "comedians" on the panel voted for the mind-reader, which I thought was a so-so act, but better than that comedian contestant they put through last week---he was uncomfortable and unfunny, but still better than the week before that's selection of the kid wearing the yarmulke who sang through his nose.  And as for the dog act, I knew they weren't rescue dogs, the poor animals looked unhappy, and I've seen almost the same act at the Schaghticoke Fair decades ago.  (I think it's very bad for a dog's spine to do backflips.  Somebody call PETA!

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