Monday, October 3, 2011

Toxic Forwards

Obsessive compulsive behavior is present a little bit in each of us. We all have our little idiosyncrasies, such as being made slightly crazy by toothpaste caps being left off, toilet seats being left up, cupboard doors being left ajar. Only when a compulsion begins to interfere with the way we live our lives does a problem arise. If you need to go back inside the house to make sure you didn't leave the hairdryer on, or turn the burner off under the kettle, that isn't a problem. It affects only yourself, and causes no harm. If you go back inside 20 times to check the same thing, you probably have a problem because it consumes too much of your time, and thus would make you run late for appointments and such. Some people are so conscious of their repetitive behaviors that the awareness is more of a problem than the behaviors themselves. They label themselves as obsessive compulsive, and live by that diagnosis. Probably one of the worst things for them is to open any email that implores them to forward the message under penalties ranging from bad luck to death for recipients and their families if they fail to forward the attached treatise. Ironically, the emails are usually religious or inspirational in nature, with angels, beautiful flowers and rainbows, and adorable children and animals. Wonderful, and often specific, awards await them if they comply. But---failure to do as bid will result in equally wondrous punishments. Make no mistake about it; you will suffer if you don't obey. Talk about your "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Vengeance will rain down upon those who doth not forward what is commanded, or requested via emailing forwards to 7 or more of your friends. Though difficult to figure out where the email originated, it's probably safe to assume it wasn't written by God. Greeting card sales are down somewhat, so perhaps those verse writers branched out into the internet. Imagine if your obsessive compulsion is triggered by the prospect of an unlocked front door, and you need to check to make sure no one breaks in while you're away and steals the family silver. Now imagine that your obsessiveness is aroused by believing you or your loved ones are going to hell if you don't forward an insipid email to your circle of friends. I would label those emails as hazardous to the health of an obsessive compulsive. I would advise them to compulsively press the delete button.

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