Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Earwigs, Stupid Earwig

     It is said that the reason a song gets stuck in your head, and you keep hearing the refrain without meaning to, is that there are other things you don't want to think of.  So your subconscious fills your mind with song lyrics.  I don't deny that there are things I do not want to think about, so maybe that's why I keep hearing, and even singing, the lyrics to songs from the past.  I wish, though, that the songs could be more current, or even songs that I liked.  When I was a little child, I liked all songs that I heard on the radio because listening to them was a real treat, maybe on Saturday evenings when my father would attach the antenna and turn the radio on.  That was before we lived in a house that was wired for electricity.
      The first song I remember disliking went  something like, "Give me five minutes more, only five minutes more, give me five minutes more of your love."  I can't remember why I didn't like it, maybe because it was a love song, before I was interested in love.  Those lyrics, if indeed correct, started coursing through my head with little letup, when I was walking around outside, pulling a few weeds, or watering the flowers.  I mean, why would my subconscious or the id or whatever, pick that song.  Why not something I liked?
    Today, another blast from the past.
"Two little girls in blue, two little girls in blue.  One became your mother, I married the other, but soon we drifted apart."  I had no particular liking for that song either, but accepted it as something to sing, probably not giving it much thought.  But now that the song has materialized onto my mental playlist, I couldn't figure out what the heck it meant:   twins the storyteller couldn't tell apart? Double vision? Pre-marital hanky-panky?  Split personality?  Wishful thinking?  I had to look it up, back in the archives of old songs.  Turns out the singer is talking to his nephew.  Aha, after all these years...

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