Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Counterintuitive Contrariness

     How anyone can prefer to use the string dental floss over the plastic, handled floss picks  is beyond my comprehension.  Why saw away, holding a piece of string between both hands, grimacing into the mirror and spraying forth the effluvia when you can discreetly hold a flosspick with one hand, with your mouth almost closed, and all the loosened materials remain inside your mouth, where they belong, until you rinse. Resistance to something as modern as the floss pick is tantamount to denying the advantages of the horseless carriage.  I can't think of a single reason to deny the use of the floss pick.  Just open the pack, remove, use, discard.  They're very economical and even if they were more costly, it beats tearing off a piece of string, and as for disposal of said strings:   they should  NOT  be flushed, and who wants to see them hanging off the edge of the wastebasket?  Not me.  I know I should keep my advice to myself, but WTF.

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