Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thought Crime

    Just because you say you're sorry doesn't mean you are.  Yet our society demands the apology.  When  wrongdoing occurs, real or perceived or even suspected, the cry goes out for the apology.  Even before issued,  the apology is deemed to be too late, too superficial, or, most damaging of all, too insincere.  The charges are made that the issuer of the apology is sorry only that he got caught, not for the wrongdoing.  If we believe we are in a position to determine that the apologizer is in effect lying for his own self-interest, how can we overlook the fact that those making the charges are not doing the same, and thus are not to be believed either.  A person who robs a bank may lie and say he didn't do it, and can be proven wrong, and then suffer the penalty.  A person who says he is sorry he robbed a bank can not be proven wrong, no matter his motivation for saying so.  Thought crimes are  not part of our judicial system yet, or are they?
     Victim impact statements feed into the category of the apologia, and should also be irrelevant.  Who know what goes on in the minds of men?   The answer----the media of course, those paid to pimp their own interests.     (Methinks I shouldn't be blogging at 4 o'clock in the morning, but that's what delete keys are for...

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