Monday, August 8, 2011

Stick this!

I hate tape, not just red tape, though I don't like that much either. I mean all tape, every kind of tape---duct tape, strapping tape, sealing tape, even Scotch tape. Oh, I like its uses just fine. What would we do without it, but I hate using tape. If I try to seal a carton with tape, I think the tape has adhered to the box, but when I turn the box to apply the tape to the other side, it pulls away and rolls itself into a tangle. If I try to cut a piece of tape to the correct size, it invariably rolls around and sticks to itself. And the dispensers are a worse nuisance. Dave bought me a fancy one, the kind you see on TV when people are sealing moving cartons and such. They just tape as much as they need and poof! The boxes are neatly sealed. For some reason, when I try to do the same, the sticky part of the tape always seems to be on the wrong side, and then I can't sever the tape anyway. I actually cut myself several times before I discarded it. I've even had to take scotch tape out of the dispenser, and use scissors to cut it. I've ruined so many pairs of scissors that way, I now buy them as disposable at the dollar store. Tape is a torment, and I'm not even going to mention trying to find the end of it--after it's removed from the dispenser of course.

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