Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not Me.

There is a public relations spot on TV directed against drinking while driving. I hate it. A father who has lost his little daughter in a devastating drunk driving accident lashes out from the screen---"Could you live with yourself if you killed my daughter?" His face and voice are filled with anger and hatred, while his heartbroken wife echoes his grief. But who is the raw anger and hatred directed at? Understandable, if at the drunken driver who did kill his daughter, or even if aimed at anyone who would even contemplate drinking and driving. But his horrible grief and deep rage reach out to everyone in TV land-----teetotalers, non-drivers, little children, others who have endured similar losses and may be trying to heal. But as the sponsoring organization would undoubtedly maintain------"If even one life is saved," the collateral damage is of no consequence. Personally, I don't believe that such advertising is likely to save even one life: people don't drink and then drive with intent to kill. Other, less dramatic, efforts must be made to get the message across.

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