Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Tree Topping + Addendum

 The next day, a white car with light and driver wearing construction vest drove slowly past the previous day's work, probably checking the branch cutting as well as the ditch mowing. Then 2 workers walked down to the end of our lot near the pole, and appeared to be measuring with some handheld instrument. And the old lady watched from behind her drapery covered window.

Empty Words

 The truth is, I said, that when one member of a couple is gone, the remaining partner is diminished. But I don't think she understood what I meant.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Food du jour

 Move over, Ritz Toasted Chips and Chocolate Peanut Butter Sundae Oreos. You've been replaced by Yasso Sea Salt Caramel Greek Yogurt Bars. 


 ME, Joanne M. Eileen, Lubov, Phoebe, Bev, JoAnn

Early Morning Moon, and a rose


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Turtle and Rabbit Hilarity

 Reference will be clear---You know who you are.

     Dorothy got a job at New York State, back when employment there was a hotbed of  pages of gossip and  suggestive and just plain foolish messaging, of course all  printed out on company time. One day Dorothy came home and attempted to relate to us, Mom and me, one of the more benign communications, but she kept breaking up into uncontrollable  laughter, barely able to get the story out. Afterwards, Ma told me she didn't see why Dorothy found this tale so hilarious. Of course it's an old story now, but you can judge for yourself.  Here it is:

            Once upon a time Turtle and Rabbit were close friends, having grown up together and experiencing a lot of youthful adventures. But, as time often dictates, circumstances change and they grew apart. As it happened, Rabbit developed a successful landscaping business, but Turtle became very wealthy through his business and lived in a beautiful mansion on a hill. One day, Rabbit had to make  a delivery to a residence and he found out it was the home of his old friend, Turtle. So Rabbit, interested in seeing his old friend Turtle, decided to meet up with him. He went to the elegant residence, and knocked on the door, expecting, no  doubt, that Turtle would appear. But instead, a butler answered the door, and when Rabbit asked for Turtle, the butler haughtily (as butlers are prone to do) replied that Rabbit would be unable to meet with Turtle, announcing that "Mr. TurTELL is down by the well." Rabbit, no doubt feeling dissed, responded, "When Mr. Turtell returns from the well, tell him Mr. RaBITT was here with the shit."  

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Early Education

    I'm feeling the need to organize and by that I mean to rid my house of the accumulation of 50 years. I started with a collection of books and that hasn't worked out.  I saw a notice of collection of any and all textiles and cloth. I filled  2 garbage bags and had the contents contributed, for recycling, I think.  It made no noticeable difference. I  turned to excess clothing in my closet, and shipped out 2 large boxes, but there is no more room in my closet, and no space to put all my clothes. I don't get dressed up anymore--no blazers and blouses for work. I'm trying to donate all the frozen food in my freezer, including a large turkey which no one came to dine on last winter, New Year's or so. No takers so far.

   So my latest effort is paperwork. What do I do with all the report cards and letters and cards and memories, and is it now safe to throw away the paper records of the brutal struggles I went through, not just with the VA. but with the long and contested struggle for health insurance with my former employer. And the triumphs and awards of the kids. If I start looking through them, I'm doomed to tears and heartbreak. I found a case with all my youngest child's accomplishments, and his report cards from preschool on up. But even before that a Progress Report from his destined-to-be- a-teacher sister: